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GeltGuide for Living Smarter Jewish

Parnassah is challenging and GeltGuide by Eli Fried helps by providing accurate and useful financial information geared to frum families.
The Budget is Busted. What Now?
The Budget is Busted. What Now?

Shopping had become a painful experience for Bracha Frankel. As someone who worked long hours, shopping was usually just an afterthought for her. B...

Credit Reports: Finding and Fixing Your Financial Report Card
Credit Reports: Finding and Fixing Your Financial Report Card

Rabbi Shloimy Stern wanted to buy a house. Apparently, in order to do so he needed to learn the sugya of credit. At an event for first-time homebuy...

Portfolio in a Box: Simplified Investing for Everyone
Portfolio in a Box: Simplified Investing for Everyone

The words sounded like Chinese to him—“stocks,” “bonds,” “mutual funds,” “asset allocation,” “rebalancing”… Shimon Pearl had a few thousand dollars...

Inflation and Investing: Protecting Assets from Dollar Destruction
Inflation and Investing: Protecting Assets from Dollar Destruction

Mrs. Steiner, a middle-aged almanah, had “nechasim da’agos.” The life insurance payout she’d received after her husband’s petirah was still sitting...

Compounding: A Major Key To Success
Compounding: A Major Key To Success

It was uncanny, thought Shmiel Rothenberg. His friend Rafi always had everything going for him. More than that, Rafi’s success seemed to come effor...

Earning Billions Tax Free: Unlocking the Power of Roth IRAs
Earning Billions Tax Free: Unlocking the Power of Roth IRAs

Shmelke Gebber loved investing, but high taxes chopped down his portfolio’s impressive growth significantly. That’s why Shmelke was intrigued when ...

Investment Risks vs. Rewards
Investment Risks vs. Rewards

Moshe Langer kept investing…and losing. He’d figured that if risk equals reward, he was best off taking a lot of financial risk to gain the most re...

How to Open and Use Your Own IRA
How to Open and Use Your Own IRA

Baruch Brown’s accountant advised him to open an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) for tax purposes. He may as well have told him to jump over th...